Cast from Culturely Rock, Episode 7 - Season Six, Episodes 7-9 – The Broken Man, No One, Battle of the Bastards
I. Mereen
a. Khaleesi comes to roost, kick ass, take names, show people who’s boss, and chew bubble gum. And she’s all out of bubble gum.
b. Yara & Theon
c. What next?
II. Bravos
a. The play/actress/final test
b. Arya’s refusal to kill Lady Crane
c. T-1000 (aka the Waif) takes down a really careless Arya…Jaqen can’t find two shits to rub together
d. What’s next for Arya?
III. The Riverlands
a. The Hound returns!
i. What’s next for Sandor Clegane and the Brotherhood?
b. Brienne & Jaime, Bronn & Pod reunite
c. RIP Blackfish
d. What’s next for Jaime? Brienne?
IV. King’s Landing
a. High Sparrow has outplayed everyone
b. Tommen is not only a King-Sized Snickers bar full of pussy, but he threw his mom under the bus too
c. What’s next for Cersei, Zombie-Mountain, Maergery, Loras, Tommen, the High Sparrow and the rest of the nut-bags in King’s Landing?
V. Winterfell
a. Well, shit. How about that episode nine? (RIP Wun Wun…and Rickon)
b. What’s next for Jon & Company?